Why is it beneficial to take multiple dance classes

Taking multiple dance classes per week can be costly, but keep in mind that you are investing in your child’s future. Let’s explain why it is beneficial to take multiple dance classes per week is a good thing for your child.

  • Variety: Different dance styles require different techniques and movements, so taking multiple classes can help dancers improve their overall technique and flexibility.
  • Cross-training: By taking different types of dance classes, dancers can work different muscle groups and improve their overall fitness and conditioning.
  • Creativity: Different dance styles can inspire new ideas and movements, leading to more creative and unique choreography.
  • Personal growth: Learning new dance styles and techniques can help dancers develop confidence, self-discipline and a greater appreciation of the art form.
  • Career advancement: Taking multiple classes can help dancers become more versatile, which can lead to more opportunities in the dance industry


There are several more reasons why it is important to do more than one ballet class per week:

  1. Progress: Ballet is a technical dance form that requires consistent practice to improve. Taking multiple classes per week can help dancers make faster progress and refine their technique.
  2. Muscle memory: Consistent practice is key to building muscle memory, which is important for executing movements with precision and ease.
  3. Endurance: Ballet requires a high level of fitness and stamina. Taking multiple classes per week can help dancers build the strength and endurance needed to perform longer and more demanding choreography.
  4. Variety: Different teachers may have different teaching styles and ways of correcting techniques which can be beneficial for the student to be exposed to different perspectives.
  5. Exam readiness: If a dancer is preparing for an exam or performance, taking multiple classes per week can help them be better prepared and increase their chances of being selected.
  6. Keeping in tune with the body: Ballet is demanding for the body and taking multiple classes can help dancers to be more aware of their bodies and prevent injuries.


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