9 Things To Remember For The Start Of Term

After a relaxing summer/winter break, we are always beyond excited to start a new term and see everyone’s smiling faces back in the studio. Here are 9 things to remember for the start of a term:

1) Uniform

We find it very important for all our students to come to class ready for dance which is mainly dependent on the uniform.  We value our uniform as it adds a sense of unity, and it is safe for all the different styles of dance we offer. Out of respect to the class, teacher and other students, it is important for each student to come to their dance class with their hair done, whether in a classical ballet bun or a ponytail, depending on the dance class they are participating in. If you have any queries regarding which hairstyles are appropriate for the dance class, don’t hesitate to ask the teachers.

2) Punctuality and attendance
Some classes that we offer are only 30 – 45 minutes, which is not always a lot of time, depending on what that class is currently working on. Hence, we ask students to respect the work and time the teachers give to the class and be punctual and prepared for their dance classes to utilise as much of the given class time as possible. Furthermore, attendance is another aspect we would like to mention. We completely understand that, at times, a student cannot attend their dance class. For such occasions, we would greatly appreciate you sending us an email at info@tanglinartsstudio.com to inform us.

3) Dance kit (split into three groups)
Organisation is essential for dance, and so we wanted to list out a few essentials each student should bring to their dance class.

0-6 years, 7-12 years, 13+ years

  • Dance shoes needed for class
  • Water bottle

7-12 years, 13+ years

  • Notebook and pen
  • Change of uniform when attending different dance classes, for example, ballet skirt and jazz shoes
  • Spare hair accessories, including hair ties, bun pins, hairbrush and bobby pins

13+ years

  • Exercise bands
  • Sewing kit
  • Hand towel

We recommend having different small bags for the various essentials inside your dance bag, as this can help you organise your things. We also ask that you please name all of your items so that if you forget them, we can return them to you in your next lesson. Also, if you have multiple classes on one day, we recommend bringing a small snack that you can quickly eat between your lessons for extra energy.

4) Hydration
Staying hydrated is extremely important when doing a sport, so we ask every student to bring a filled water bottle to every dance class. Teachers will allow students to drink water during the dance class, so a filled water bottle is essential.

5) Mindset
Having a good mindset is the key to success in many aspects of life, including dance. It is more enjoyable for the entire class and teacher if everyone tries to attend their dance class with a positive mindset. Despite the challenging times, we try to make the studio a fun and happy space where students can enjoy themselves. This is helped by attending each dance class with a new and positive attitude.

6) Goals for the term
It is always important to have goals you want to achieve, and it is always best to write them down somewhere safe to reflect on at the end of the year. So, take some time and write down a few personal goals you would like to achieve in your dance classes this term. We would love to hear about your goals in the first dance class if you are happy and willing to share them with your dance teachers and friends.

7) Patience
We are coming back from quite a long holiday, including those attending the summer classes we offered. Because of this, it is important to have patience and slowly get back into dancing. After a long break, our body needs time to adjust and get back into dance slowly to stay safe and avoid injuries

8) Don’t be afraid to ask questions
All the dance teachers are there and ready to help each student in every single one of the dance classes they teach. We love answering any and every question you may have, so please don’t be afraid to ask questions. We value communication between students and teachers and between parents and staff, so if there are any questions or queries, please don’t hesitate to visit the TAS office during open hours, What’s app  +658123677 or email info@tanglinartsstudio.com.

9) Smile and have fun
Lastly, we want everyone to smile and have fun. Although we can’t directly see all of your smiling faces due to the masks, we still hope you are smiling behind the mask. We are ready to have fun with you all in your dance classes and cannot wait to see you!

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